Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Mischievous Engineers

Easter Eggs aren’t just for kids, and they aren’t found only on Easter – but they’re always hard to find and never fail to spark joy. 

Hiding “Easter Eggs” in software began in earnest in the 1970’s and continued through the Atari era into the modern age of computing. Engineers with too much time on their hands would deliberately program all kinds of surprises (little games, silly graphics and animations, text info, etc.) into their software projects.

Although Easter Egg grinches like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates banned the practice within their own companies, comedic Google engineers have managed to continue the tradition.

A Business Insider article gives a partial rundown of hidden tricks and treats to be found within the Google search bar. Give some of these a try! 

Easter Eggs provide a window into the minds of bored code monkeys, and furnish fatigued students and professionals a way to punctuate their day with diverting amusement.

A Wikipedia entry provides historical context and further info.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

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