Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Call the Capitol Switchboard!

It's hard to not be cynical about politics, today. 

Citizenship, however, isn't politics. 

Rather, citizenship is responsibility we all share. Citizen participation is a requirement in a functioning democracy, a duty we can each discharge in multiple ways. One of the simplest is to call the Capitol Switchboard on a regular basis to leave messages for your congressional and senatorial representatives.

Here's the phone number: (202) 224-3121.

I recommend storing the number in your phone, so that when you have a few minutes you can make that time count by calling the Switchboard and leaving a message or two. A great time to do this is during the morning/evening commute, while waiting in line somewhere, or everyday just after breakfast (to make it a habit).

"The problem with democracy is that people get the government they deserve."

Do we Americans still deserve a strong, healthy democracy? Time will tell.

It’s easy to feel there’s nothing one can do. Which only furthers the degradation of the democracy we still have.

I invite you to do what you can. Calling the Capitol Switchboard only takes a few short minutes. Do so on a regular basis.

You and yours will know you did what you could to keep democracy alive in America, which is all that's required of any of us.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

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