Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Test Your Mindfulness

How strong are your mindfulness muscles?

To find out, try your hand at these deceptive, simple-looking tasks.

In the first case, you job is to simply read the sentence contained within the triangle. As you read the sentence, write it down on a piece of paper. With luck, you'll see what's going on, here.

In the second case, try to say the COLORS of the words written, NOT the words themselves, in order, while reading at a normal pace. If you mess up, start again. Do not slow down to a snails pace in order to succeed in getting to the end of the list (although even that might not work).

Mindful, attentive concentration is a critical prerequisite for success in mathematics, and for quite a number of other activities, as well. Mindfulness is a capacity that can be trained, and just like any other training regimen, one begins with weakness but gets gradually stronger with practice and determination.

To find more puzzles for practice, search the internet.


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