Saturday, June 01, 2024

How To Fail A Test With Dignity

Sometimes, you just can't win.

In that case, there's no harm or shame in surrender. So why not have a sense of humor about it?

These students tried and failed, but succeeded in turning loss into laughs.



Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Mischievous Engineers

Easter Eggs aren’t just for kids, and they aren’t found only on Easter – but they’re always hard to find and never fail to spark joy. 

Hiding “Easter Eggs” in software began in earnest in the 1970’s and continued through the Atari era into the modern age of computing. Engineers with too much time on their hands would deliberately program all kinds of surprises (little games, silly graphics and animations, text info, etc.) into their software projects.

Although Easter Egg grinches like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates banned the practice within their own companies, comedic Google engineers have managed to continue the tradition.

A Business Insider article gives a partial rundown of hidden tricks and treats to be found within the Google search bar. Give some of these a try! 

Easter Eggs provide a window into the minds of bored code monkeys, and furnish fatigued students and professionals a way to punctuate their day with diverting amusement.

A Wikipedia entry provides historical context and further info.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Trivium and Quadrivium

The reason I've always been captivated by the Trivium and Quadrivium is almost certainly that these ancient western educational models happen to coincide with six main interests of mine: math, music, astronomy/cosmology, logic, writing, and debate. 

Moreover, philosophy, another one of my main interests, was considered such an obvious part of classic liberal arts training that it wasn't included in the list of subjects for either the Quadrivium or Trivium.

From the Wikipedia article on Quadrivium:

"From the time of Plato through the Middle Ages, the quadrivium (plural: quadrivia[1]) was a grouping of four subjects or arts—arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy—that formed a second curricular stage following preparatory work in the trivium, consisting of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Together, the trivium and the quadrivium comprised the seven liberal arts,[2] and formed the basis of a liberal arts education in Western society until gradually displaced as a curricular structure by the studia humanitatis and its later offshoots, beginning with Petrarch in the 14th century. The seven classical arts were considered "thinking skills" and were distinguished from practical arts, such as medicine and architecture."

One has to wonder what our society would look like if schools prioritized these essential subjects in grades K-12.

St. Ann Classic Academy is a school trying to implement such a curriculum.

For an excellent book on the Quadrivium, try Quadrivium: The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music, & Cosmology. 


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Friday, March 01, 2024

U.S. News State Educational Rankings

U.S. News is famous for its annual college rankings, but it also ranks states on a number of educational benchmark
s. Their recent College Readiness Rankings are a revelation.

Not surprisingly, Northeastern states occupy half of the first 10 spots. 

California? Number 49. Ouch.

When I was schooled as a boomer kid, California public schools were the best in the country – and, therefore, the best in the world. Number 49 is very hard to take.

Annual U.S. News college rankings (and others) are notorious as less-than-stellar indicators of college caliber. But they do, at least, provide a sense of relative quality. Similarly, one should probably take these overall educational rankings of the 50 states with a large grain of salt.

Nevertheless, if you'd like to see them, click here for the complete state rankings.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Teachers are Quitting

It seems our schools are always in trouble for this reason or that one. 

This was not at all the case when I was a boy in the 1960’s. California public schools, K-College, were unquestionably the best in the world, and all were levels were free or very low cost. So it’s especially hard for boomers like myself to see the kite hit the ground like this.

As a private academic coach for more that 45 years, I’ve tried to figure out what went wrong. I still don’t know, after all these years.

And now, a sobering new trend is emerging. Teachers are leaving K-12 schools in droves.

The reasons are many and various. But what I hear over and over again is that they boil down to several core issues: low salary, poor mental health, toxic work cultures, unsupportive administrations, lack of respect inside and outside school, lack of authority in the classroom, and out of control students and parents.

I have no answer, but I do have suggestions. At a minimum:

Pay teachers like doctors, require the same achievement, give them the same respect inside and outside schools, and weed out poor teachers (the Finnish approach); give teachers back-up they need and deserve within schools hierarchies; return classroom authority to teachers; allow sensible grading and disciplinary procedures, including compassionately but unapologetically holding back students who don’t meet grade level standards; a teacher-aid in every classroom; effective protection against parent-zillas think their little Johnny can do no wrong; make it unnecessary for teachers to buy learning supplies their students need; and provide enough public funding to pay for all this, realizing that doing so is less expensive than not.

For further information, I recommended the following:

I quit teaching for better mental health: former teachers share the jobs they got after teaching

Why Teachers Quit: Lack of respect, abominable working conditions, and more.

After Teaching For 11 Years, I Quit My Job. Here's Why Your Child's Teacher Might Be Next.

I quit my job as a teacher after 6 years to work in tech sales. I make $20,000 more ...and am so much happier now.

Teachers Who Quit Are Sharing The Moment They Realized It Wasn't For Them

Why Teachers Quit + Top Signs Quitting Teaching Is The Right Move


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Monday, January 01, 2024


The online Desmos graphing calculator is fast taking over from the venerable Ti-84 series of handheld calculators as the default calculator tool in secondary education. Now that Desmos is included as an integral part of the digital SAT, acquiring intermediate-level Desmos skills is fundamental to maximizing math scores on this important assessment.

[Familiarity with the Ti-84 Plus CE handheld graphing calculator is still crucial to optimizing math scores on the ACT.]

I'm not aware of any succinct, comprehensive exposition of Desmos skills required for use on the dSAT (I'm working on it).

At this point, the best one can do is to peruse the various official materials linked in the "Desmos First Steps" and "Desmos Graphing Calculator" sections below. 

Check out each link, read the information provided, and do the sample exercises until you've covered all topics presented (search Google for additional help with particular topics).


Desmos First Steps

User Guide

Quick Start Guide

Getting Started: Desmos Graphing Calculator

Getting Started: Creating Your First Graph

Getting Started Articles


Desmos Graphing Calculator

Graphing Calculator

Graphing Calculator: Essential Skills


FAQ: Graph

FAQ: Student Graphing


Desmos Geometry


Geometry Tool



Other Desmos Calculators

Scientific Calculator

Matrix Calculator

3-D Calculator

Friday, December 01, 2023

dSAT Reading and Writing Topics

This is the companion piece to a post I wrote earlier on dSAT Math Topics.

Questions in the Reading/Writing sections of the dSAT cover four broad topic areas: Craft and Structure, Information and Ideas, Standard English Conventions, and Expression of Ideas.

The entire Reading/Writing section is 64 minutes long with 54 multiple-choice questions.



Two Reading/Writing modules:

Each module is 32 minutes long, with 27 questions (1:11 per question)

Organized by question type, with similar skills grouped together

Questions within each group are presented in order of increasing difficulty

Each question has its own short passage or pair of passages

Passages are between 20–150 words

Wide range of topics, including literary excerpts and poetry

May contain informational tables and graphs 


Information and Ideas

12-14 questions, 26% of the section

Use information stated or implied in the passage (may include tables and graphs) to evaluate ideas in the text and draw conclusions.


Determine main idea and central details

Interpret details supporting the main idea

Use evidence from the text, graphs, and tables to support or respond to a claim

Draw reasonable inferences based on the passage


Craft and Structure

13-15 questions, 28% of the section

Focuses on vocabulary (words in context), text structure and purpose, and cross-text connections.


Determine the primary purpose of the text

Evaluate text structure rhetorically and how the author chose to organize information

Select the best word to complete the text (fill-in the blank)

Compare/contrast two related texts

Make supportable connections between two related texts


Expression of Ideas

8-12 questions, 20% of the section

Focuses on improving effectiveness of written expression. Test takers are asked to scrutinize topic development, accuracy, logic, cohesion, transitions, and language to improve, refine, and enhance the effectiveness and impact of a text and achieve specific rhetorical goals.


Analyze bullet points and choose the one that best combines information to achieve a certain goal

Identify the flow and structure of a passage


Standard English Conventions

11-15 questions, 26% of the section

Use editing skills and knowledge to make texts conform to standard conventions of written English, emphasizing proper word usage, sentence structure and form, grammar, and punctuation.


Identify correct punctuation to join and separate sentences and clauses 

Find the best way to complete a sentence so that it follows conventions of standard written English (e.g. proper agreement, verb tense, etc.)


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Look Inside the Digital SAT

The digital SAT has arrived, 

In the meantime, much has been written about all aspects of this latest incarnation of the SAT. All along, The College Board has offered limited information concerning what we who care should expect.

But the private analyses of those whose businesses and livelihoods hinge on gaining an early, accurate, and comprehensive view of this strange new beast are also well worth noting.

In addition to those featured on the SAT/dSAT resource page of my business site, below are several more such reports.



Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 01, 2023

dSAT Math Topics

After trying and failing to find a comprehensive online resource that thoroughly detailed math content covered on the dSAT, I finally decided to put together my own. I've also written a companion piece on dSAT Reading and Writing Topics.

Questions in the Math section of the dSAT cover four broad topic areas: Algebra, Advanced Math, Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Geometry/Trigonometry.

The entire Math section is 70 minutes long with 44 multiple-choice questions.



Two math modules:

Each module is 35 minutes long, with 22 questions (1:35 per question)

75% multiple choice (33 questions), 25% student produced response (11 questions)

30% in-context word problems (≤ 50 words)

Progressive difficulty (easiest first, hardest last)

Calculators are allowed – but don't use a handheld – learn to use Desmos, instead

Questions from each topic area appear in each module


35%: 13-15 questions total

Linear equations in one variable (analyze, solve, create)

Linear equations in two variables (analyze, test, solve, graph, create)

Linear inequalities in one variable (analyze, solve, create)

Linear inequalities in two variables (analyze, test, solve, graph, create)

Linear functions (create, analyze, interpret, graph)

Linear systems of equations and inequalities (create, analyze, solve)


Advanced Math

35%: 13-15 questions total

Equivalent expressions (including algebraic fractions)

Non-linear equations (solve): absolute value, quadratic, polynomial, exponential

Non-linear functions (create, analyze, interpret, graph): absolute value, quadratic, polynomial, exponential

Non-linear systems (solve)


Problem Solving and Data Analysis

15%: 5-7 questions total

Ratios, rates, proportions, units


Analyze and interpret one-variable data: distributions and measures of center and spread (mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation)

Analyze and interpret two-variable data: models and scatter plots

Simple probability

Conditional probability (from a data table)

Inference from sample stats and margin of error

Evaluating statistical claims: observational studies and experiments


Geometry and Trigonometry

15%: 5-7 questions total

Perimeter, area, volume

Lines, angles, triangles

Right triangles

Trigonometry (SOH CAH TOA)



Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Friday, September 01, 2023

Bring a Mouse to the SAT

Most people find use of a mouse to be a time saver, especially if you’re accustomed to employing one.

On the digital SAT, every second counts, and use of a computer mouse can save time on this important assessment. 

The College Board allows use of a "USB A" mouse (wired or wireless) with mouse pad on the digital SAT. Practice taking digital SATs at home using your favorite mouse. Then bring the same mouse with you on test day, plug it in, and go. Don't forget to bring a small mouse pad, as well.

This seems like a minor detail, but there’s almost no such thing when it comes to high-stakes testing.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

The Official Digital SAT Study Guide

The Official Digital SAT Study Guide by The College Board has been the sine qua non of SAT work for decades. 

But with the SAT's switch to a new digital format, just how useful is this latest incarnation of the venerable test prep tome? Why buy a book printed on paper when the test is now taken on-screen?

These are good questions.

The new edition contains four non-adaptive paper versions of the digital SAT – the very same "linear" tests made available as free downloads to students everywhere – which are roughly 70% identical to the four official adaptive on-screen tests contained in the College Board's BlueBook app (the only official tests available in on-screen adaptive form).

So that's even less reason to buy the book, right?

Right. Except for one thing.

Currently, there's a severe scarcity of official SAT practice materials (this happens each time the College Board decides to overhaul the test). Every new official SAT question made available to the public for practice gives valuable clues as to what to expect on the test, and is therefore worth gold.

As it happens, the new College Board Official Guide to the SAT contains 192 printed practice questions different from those provided anywhere else. That's nearly the equivalent of two additional full-length digital SAT tests.

So yes, at this point, you should buy the new edition – if only to gain additional practice with those 192 precious questions.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Commercial Test Prep

Needless to say, when I graduated high school in 1975, it was an entirely different world.

With plenty of well-paying blue collar jobs available in the U.S., a college education was seen as an optional luxury, not at all a requirement to live a good middle-class life. I remember befriending a Golden Gate Bridge worker in the late-1980’s who was paid an annual salary of nearly $60,000 – $150,000 today – taking tolls!

Not many students used any kind of prep, though. I took the PSAT in high school, cold, no prep or pre-test studying at all, as a lark (and hit 98th percentile). But I never told the SAT (didn’t feel like wasting a Saturday morning). Most of my friends acted similarly. College just wasn’t a must-do, at the time.

Stanley Kaplan invented the modern test prep industry in 1939, and between 1940 and 1980 his company’s courses and books were essentially the only ones available to help interested students maximize scores on the standardized tests like the SAT.

Then along came the Princeton Review in the mid-1980’s, upending the entire educational testing scene. Despite protestations from the College Board and others, PR showed everyone just how easy it was to game these tests and quickly raise scores without doing much to improve nominal academic ability.

When I began tutoring professionally in the late 1970’s, test coaching wasn’t yet a thing. Following the huge success of PR, the test prep industry as we know it today was born. 

The test prep universe is vast. Companies old and new seem infinite in number. With the advent of distance learning on a mass scale during the Covid epidemic, this number has grown further.

It’s not easy to make a choice, nowadays, given the multitude of options. To aid in your search, listed below are my current favorites, based on my own long experience and most recent research on the subject:

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Mock dSAT Practice Tests

It’s always the same.

Whenever the College Board trots out a new version of the SAT, years elapse before we have enough official practice material to adequately prepare students for the test.

True to form, to date, the College Board has only made released four official computer-based adaptive SAT tests to the public. To do a good job preparing for the SAT, students need 3-4 times that number.

As always, we’re left to evaluate the various mock SAT practice test offerings currently available. Luckily, most companies offer a free sample test.

In fact, you could pay nothing (or almost nothing) for multiple mock dSAT practice tests simply by signing up for free trials from the list of providers below.


Monday, May 01, 2023

Cracking BlueBook Second Modules

With only six available official digital adaptive SATs and PSATs, it’s critical that students get access to all questions contained in the “second modules” of each section of each test in the BlueBook app. 

There’s no way to do so directly, but an easy workaround gets the job done: 


1. After completing your practice test, save the answer page.  

2. Retake the same practice test. 

3. To access the harder second module, enter only correct answers when you retake the test; to access the easier module, enter only incorrect answers. 


Click here to view and download (File > Download) correct answers to first modules from BlueBook SAT Tests 1, 2, 3, and 4.
You may also want to screenshot important questions as you practice (hardest problems, any you’ve answered wrongly, etc.) and keep these in a folder for further study.

These few official tests are best used sparingly to assess progress in your prep work or as “dress rehearsals” before test dates.

They're the only ones you’ve got. Don’t waste them!


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 01, 2023


Despite rumors to the contrary, things aren't so bad. They're probably quite a bit better than you think. That's the thesis of this book by Swedish author and public health expert Hans Rosling.

From the book's description on amazon:

"It turns out that the world, for all its imperfections, is in a much better state than we might think. That doesn’t mean there aren’t real concerns. But when we worry about everything all the time instead of embracing a worldview based on facts, we can lose our ability to focus on the things that threaten us most.

"Inspiring and revelatory, filled with lively anecdotes and moving stories, Factfulness is an urgent and essential book that will change the way you see the world and empower you to respond to the crises and opportunities of the future."

Here's what Bill Gates had to say about Factfulness:

“One of the most important books I’ve ever read―an indispensable guide to thinking clearly about the world.”

And Barack Obama:

"Factfulness by Hans Rosling, an outstanding international public health expert, is a hopeful book about the potential for human progress when we work off facts rather than our inherent biases."

Rosling isn't a Pollyanna who refuses to acknowledge the very real problems and challenges humanity still faces. His point is that, if we actually follow the facts – instead of persistent, unconscious biases – there's much more reason to be proud and hopeful than we might ordinarily believe.

I enjoyed Factfulness, and highly recommend it to all with an interest in the state of the world.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 01, 2023


Lizardpoint is a wonderful all-around early learning site for people of all ages. Students can use lizardpoint to learn geography, flags, world leaders (current and past), art, and math.

The site is great for adults as well as for children.

Sections on geography help students master finding countries and provinces, naming their capitals, topographical features, airport codes, and more.

The section on art features quizzes on major western artists and their most well-known works, fine art terminology, and important movements.

Math offerings include on-screen and downloadable/printable worksheets (with answer sheets) for arithmetic operations, decimals, percents, and fractions.

Quizzes on trivia, important definitions, and more round out learning activities presented.

New stuff is added regularly, collected in What's New.

Like, lizardpoint can be addicting, but in a good way. These two educational sites keep interested students learning and growing while having fun.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Call the Capitol Switchboard!

It's hard to not be cynical about politics, today. 

Citizenship, however, isn't politics. 

Rather, citizenship is responsibility we all share. Citizen participation is a requirement in a functioning democracy, a duty we can each discharge in multiple ways. One of the simplest is to call the Capitol Switchboard on a regular basis to leave messages for your congressional and senatorial representatives.

Here's the phone number: (202) 224-3121.

I recommend storing the number in your phone, so that when you have a few minutes you can make that time count by calling the Switchboard and leaving a message or two. A great time to do this is during the morning/evening commute, while waiting in line somewhere, or everyday just after breakfast (to make it a habit).

"The problem with democracy is that people get the government they deserve."

Do we Americans still deserve a strong, healthy democracy? Time will tell.

It’s easy to feel there’s nothing one can do. Which only furthers the degradation of the democracy we still have.

I invite you to do what you can. Calling the Capitol Switchboard only takes a few short minutes. Do so on a regular basis.

You and yours will know you did what you could to keep democracy alive in America, which is all that's required of any of us.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

How Young Adults Can Build Credit Fast

Credit allows adults to borrow funds to make important purchases too costly to buy with their own cash: a house, an education, a car, among other things. "Credit” is borrowed money in various forms: credit cards, retail store credit, car loans, personal loans, college loans, and a mortgage (a large loan used to buy a house).

Next to earning a good living, an excellent credit score is the most important financial goal to pursue, and young adults can begin to do so as soon as they turn 18. Credit scores range from 300 to 850, and your goal should be to keep yours at or above 760, the point at which you’ll get the most favorable terms (lowest interest rates, down payments, etc.) when borrowing money.

The way you create and maintain a high credit score is simple: pay all your bills in full, on time, always.

Below is a rough outline of the steps I followed to help our daughter to establish and grow her credit score once she graduated from high school.


Before Age 18: 

Work and save

This project will take $1500 or so to get started, so you’ll need to earn that seed money before you can begin the process outlined below.


Age 18:

Regular income

You’ll need a source of regular monthly income greater than you expect to spend each month. To be safe, it’s preferable to earn at least twice what you’ll be using credit to pay for.

** Note: Each month, on a regular basis, you must deposit earned income into your checking account. Without that regular deposit of income, in large enough amounts, this project will not work. 

Checking account – backed by an overdraft savings account

Put $500 into a fee-free checking account, and $500 into a linked overdraft savings account that will automatically pay your bills if you overspend your checking account. 

Set up your accounts at a bank or credit union near you. I recommend credit unions over big banks. Credit unions support the local area economy and generally providing better service to customers.

Credit Card 1

First, apply for a “secured credit card” or "student card." This is a special kind of credit card for first-time borrowers with no credit history.

With a secured credit card account, you pay a deposit to the bank issuing the card (perhaps $500) to guarantee your purchases will be paid, as promised. Once you’ve shown a six-month history of responsible payments (paying all charges each month in full and on time), the deposit will be returned to you. Your “secured” card then becomes an ordinary “unsecured” card.

Use you credit card sporadically to pay for restaurants and other low cost items. Be sure to keep your spending well under the spending limit for that card (known as your “credit limit”).

* Note: If at any time you have questions about your card, you can call the customer service phone number listed on the back of the card to get answers.

Set Up Autopay on Credit Card 1

From the beginning, you should enable “auto-pay” through your bank’s online banking system to automatically pay credit card charges and other regular bills and payments directly from your checking account. Autopay ensures that all your bills are paid in full, on time, each and every month.

With autopay, all you have to do is check online at the beginning of each month to make sure your checking account balance (the amount in your account) is large enough to easily cover the automatic payments that will be withdrawn from your account that month (if possible, maintain a checking account balance at least double the amount withdrawn by autopay each month to pay bills).

In this way, you won't have to write paper checks to pay your monthly bills, add stamps to payment envelopes, and actually drop them in a local mailbox on time. Making manual payments like this is not just a hassle; it raises the possibility that you might make a payment late, or forget to do so altogether. With autopay, that never happens – as long as you keep your checking account balance at the proper level.


Age 19: 

Become an “Authorized User”

Now that you have some clean credit history, you can apply to become an “authorized user” on a credit card owned by someone else who trusts you, like your mom or dad.

You’ll be able to use the card to make purchases, which helps strengthen your credit history, but you won't be responsible for any payments. This is where “trust” comes in.

To make the most of this score-building opportunity, be sure to remain as an authorized user on this account, making sporadic purchases with it, for at least one year.

Credit Card 2

Now that you can show a longer history of good credit habits involving two credit accounts, you can apply for another unsecured credit card under your own name. Having more open credit accounts improves your credit score – as long as you always pay the full amount due on every one of your accounts, every month, on time. Search online for info on the best credit cards to get.

Use this card sporadically. As usual, have payments for your second credit card made through your checking account autopay service.

* Note: Once you’ve established at least one year of clean credit history, you can remove yourself as an authorized user on your parents’ card. Time spent as an authorized user has served its purpose. Now that you’ve got your own cards, you don’t need to have your name on theirs any longer.


Age 20:

Retail Store Credit Card

A “mix” of different types of credit also helps build a higher credit score. In addition to bank-issued credit cards, retailers ofter issue credit cards to customers.

Go to a favorite retail store, and sign up for a store credit card to make a some additional purchases. As usual, pay the balance on that card in full each month using autopay.

Credit Card 3 – Rewards Card

Now that you’ve had two years' clean credit history on three different credit accounts, you’re ready to apply for your “go-to” credit card: a Rewards Card. “Rewards Cards" offer users extra advantages.

The best card to get is a “Cash-Back” card, one that offers at least 2% back on each purchase. Your rewards card now becomes your “go-to” card that you'll use for nearly all purchases.

If you shop on amazon, you’ll want to get an amazon Prime credit card, which gives users 5% off on all amazon Prime purchases. Costco members can get a Costco membership credit card that gives 4% back on all purchases of gas, which could save a lot of money for those who do a lot of driving.

* Note: Don’t keep too many cards in your wallet. I keep only two, my rewards card, and my Costco card. I keep the amazon card at home, since I only use it for online amazon purchases. Still, it’s good to have more than one credit card with you, just in case one doesn’t work for some reason. It's unnecessary to have more than three or four credit card accounts, total.


Age 21:

Consumer Tech Loan

The Apple Store and other tech retailers will give loans to customers to pay for major purchases of tech gear: laptops, iPads, desktop computers, etc. Buy a good product (something you need and were going to purchase anyway) new or refurbished from one of these major retailers, and have the loan payments made automatically through autopay.

Keep the term (length) of all loans under three years (less is better, but never pay off a loan in less than a year, to give your credit score the best boost).


Age 22:

Personal Loan

With a fairly long credit history, you can now apply to a bank for a “Personal Loan.” This is a loan you take for something personal, like a vacation. Apply at the bank or credit union holding your checking and savings accounts.

Take a short trip with a friend, and pay for it with funds provided by your personal loan. Then, as usual, put the loan payments on autopay.

Don't borrow more than you can easily afford to pay back. But a small personal loan of $1000-$2000 paid over a two year period will help you credit score a lot.


Age 23: 

Pay Bills

Get a cell phone account, put your name on your house utility bill, and sign up for a streaming service or two; then, put all these bills on autopay though your checking account or pay them automatically using your go-to credit card (call your credit card company to set this up).

Signing up for special credit services can give scores a boost for those who pay basic bills on time (especially phone and utility bills). Renting an apartment may require a such a history.


Age 24:

Car Loan

At this point, you’ve established excellent credit over a period of several years, and have a score at or above 760, proof of top-tier “credit worthiness.” 

With such an excellent credit record, you can make your first major purchase using credit – a car. Either arrange a car loan in advance with your bank or credit union, or buy the car through a dealership and use their financing department to arrange the loan.

To save money (and get a better deal), it’s best to buy a car that’s used but only a few years old. Going through a dealer is super-convenient and makes a lot of sense for first-time buyers. Be sure to research best models and prices, before making your purchase.


Age 25:

Home Mortgage

With three or four credit cards, a store card, a consumer loan, a personal loan, and a car loan on your credit history, each account over one year old and with a flawless repayment history, you’ll be able to realize the American Dream: home ownership.

The largest purchase most people will ever make is buying a home. A home loan, called a "mortgage," a huge step, but one you’re ready to make, now that you’ve learned how to earn and deposit money and handle spending and payment responsibly though auto payment.

The only other requirement is a regular income from work large enough to handle the mortgage (monthly income will need to be at least four times the monthly mortgage payment).


Search online for other suggestions relating to building and maintaining excellent credit. The more you know, the better. Next to your career, and your home, your credit rating is the most valuable asset you possess.

Following the approach above, in five years, by age 23, one year out of college, your credit score is now well over 800. You're in rarified air with one of the best of credit scores, with a credit history strong enough to qualify to buy your first home under the best possible mortgage terms.

* Never close a credit card account, once opened, even if you owe nothing on the account. Generally speaking, it’s best to keep all credit card accounts open forever, since the older your credit history, the higher your credit score.

Track your credit score regularly using a site like

At this point, further credit isn't necessary, and you should avoid opening any additional accounts, unless truly necessary. Just maintain your excellent credit history, use the few credit cards you have, always pay all your bills in full and on time each month using autopay, and make sure your checking account balance is higher than you'll need to cover auto payments for at least two months (with a similar sum in your linked overdraft savings account, for extra safety and as an emergency cash fund).

You have arrived. Good job.


For another look at this important topic, click here.


Copyright © 2006-present: Christopher R. Borland. All rights reserved.